How I Work

We are bombarded with ads and interruptions powered by invasive tracking and targeting. Our every move is being watched by our computers, cell phones, and digital assistants. Marketers take this activity and combine it with where we go, what we buy, and where we live, all in an effort to paint a detailed image of us as individuals and trick us into wanting new things. Your customers feel this, and the backlash is real.

I personally believe that paid search provides an opportunity that is becoming rare and precious in the digital marketing space: honest, straight-forward interactions with your customers. Search engines are one of the last places online where customers can actively seek out information, and advertisers are given an opportunity to provide great experiences and earn business.

I only work with a few clients at a time, and act as an extension of your internal team. I’ve been a client of paid search agencies, and I’ve seen how fruitless it is to have them plug your campaign into a automated tool and ignore you until your next scheduled meeting. Good paid search demands a deep understanding of the business behind the ads, and the customers who seek them out.

If you’re ready to explore the impact of paid search marketing and analytics done right, we should chat.